TESLA SELENIUM MAXI is 60 pills a bottle/pack, each pill is 70 µg of Organic Two-Valent Seleniu..
TESLA SELENIUM PRO is 60 pills a bottle/pack, each pill is 25.0 µg of Organic Two-Valent..
The protective device TESLA SCREEN is a thin plate (thickness 0,2 millimeters) and a size ..
(a) has twice less layers of the chip than our other models.(b) has either the GENERI..
(a) has twice as more layers of the chip than the BASIC MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR.(b) has e..
Used by Russian Military pilots and Astronauts, TESLA GLASSES by WAVE GENOME LLC are not "glasses" p..
(a) has twice as more layers of the chip than the BASIC MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR.(b) has e..
RA MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR is the device enhancing the Wave Optics of chromosomes and protecti..
DIGITIZED BIOHOLOGRAM OF THE EMBRYONIC STEM CELL is an MP3 file of the white noise, modulated b..
Die MATRIX CARD sollte auf der Stirn, am Hinterkopf oder an einer anderen Stelle im Körper platziert..
TESLA GLASSES X (Advanced Model) offers 11 modules similar to the modules of the BASIC TESLA GLASSES..
TESLA HUMAN CELL is the Digitized Biohologram / Wave Matrix of a selected healthy infant, ..
(a) has twice as more layers of the chip than the BASIC MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR.(b) has e..
The device is the paradigmatic device for the personalized, addressed and preventive treatment. The ..
(a) has a more advanced, second generation chip encoded by laser on nano level with t..
Showing 1 to 15 of 16 (2 Pages)